This series of photographs capture recent paintings which adorn the walls of a private residence.
In the room above I painted the decoration above the window. Below is a close-up of the painting.
The grouping of paintings displayed here is actually painted on the wall. The surface is curved and would not allow the hanging of paintings. A trompe l'oeil painting solves the decorating dilemma with ease.
The stone tile over the luxurious bathtub fireplace is extended to the ceiling with trompe l'oeil pillars and arch. The "view" through the arch carries out the client’s decorative theme.
This is part of a very large mural that runs through the hallways of a church. The mural depicts multiple scenes representing a "town square" theme. The mural is over 295 feet in length, ceiling to floor.
Here I am painting a Paris scene on the wall of a travel agency.
This trompe l'oeil niche adds interest in an otherwise plain hallway.
This is a painting of the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City.
In an apartment that allowed nothing to be hung on the walls, I painted a number of pieces, including this trompel'oeil version of Waterlilies. The frame is also painted onto the flat wall.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A faux niche with border painted in a tiny apartment kitchen adds interest and a sense of space.
These doors are painted to look as if they are open.
Everything is this photo is painted: the window, towels, baskets, chalkboard, everything.
This trompe l'oeil window depicts a family memory.
A detail from a larger painting inspired by Psalm: 42: 1.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
This is a painted window shade; being used as a wall hanging.